Powerful Digital Business and Transformation Program
Our Accelerated Digital Excellence Program for Professionals and Managers is the optimum digital transformation program for business and government organizations and professionals. It combines all three established management programs in digital business, marketing and e-commerce from The Certificate in Online Business series, and it qualifies toward our pioneering Executive Master program.
Our powerful self-paced online course or classroom consultative course
are designed to help you achieve high-impact results.

Develop, take responsibility, or contribute to your organization's e-business strategic plan
Identify, understand or manage e-risks or ensure that e-risks are identified and managed in the organization
Assess team and supplier responsibilities for implementing e-commerce, digital marketing, online content and customer experience
Identify and select the right choice of suppliers for your selected activities
Identify current e-business activities needing improvement or change

Develop an e-commerce plan, take responsibility, or contribute to your organization's e-commerce initiative
Identify, understand or manage e-commerce risks or ensure that e-risks are identified and managed in the organization
Assess or understand team and supplier responsibilities for implementing e-commerce, digital marketing, online content and customer experience
Lead or contribute to online store structure, product categorization and merchandising needs
Identify and select or help to select the right choice of suppliers
Identify current e-commerce activities needing improvement or change
Based on the introductory digital marketing lessons, identify e-marketing activities needing improvement or change

Assess and contribute to the improvement of your organizations email marketing, social media marketing, SEO and digital advertising activities
Develop or work collaboratively to develop creative marketing and advertising campaigns to engage your target audiences to buy, subscribe and interact
Develop an effective digital advertising plan, to maximize return-on-investment
Develop an effective Social Media Game Plan™ to support branding, enhance your reputation and support sales generation
Build and manage an effective multi / omni-channel marketing team, or contribute as part of that team
Select and work effectively with resources including staff and suppliers
Lead or contribute to the enhancement of corporate or brand web sites to maximize online engagement, usability and sales

This program is currently offered as part of a premium on-site consultative training conference, or as a self-paced online course (combining powerful e-learning, practical workshops, live and recorded webinars with our world-leading experts who are leaders and managers from within industry).